The prime focus of the initiative of digitization of rare books and manuscripts is to preserve these valuable pieces of work forever and make them available to a wider audience globally.
Prime Objectives
The prime objective is to support and promote scholars who can contribute to betterment of Sindh Society through research in different fields related to Sindh Studies. By offering scholarships and stipends to achieve the desired goal.
The availability gap for rare books and manuscripts from Sindh is significant. These works are often hard to find and access, due to their age and rarity. Many of the works are in the private collections of individuals or institutions, making them even more difficult to find and access.
Building the future
Graduates are the builders of future our aim to collaborate with them in advancing the capacity building by holding conferences and seminars related to Sindh studies and by publishing bi-annual journal of international standard approved by HEC.
Overall Goal
Digitize: Don't allow deterioration of information – Preserve Sindh's Historical Legacy!

Most of the information on Sindh is in the form of printed material and handwritten manuscripts,
there are abundance of rare material available in public and private libraries and some of it is
in very poor shape and may not last next 20-25 years.
The lack of digitization of these works makes them even harder to access, as they are often only
available in physical form. As a result, the availability gap for rare books and manuscripts from
Sindh is significant.
M. H. Panhwar Institute of Sindh Studies has undertaken the task of digitalizing all available rare
material on Sindh. The digitization of rare books and manuscripts of Sindh will provide unprecedented
access to valuable and historical information. By digitizing this information will help preserve cultural
artifacts and provide a platform for future generations to learn from it. Additionally, digitization will
also allow for better search capabilities, making it easier for people to find and access the information
they need anywhere in the world.
This initiative will allow researchers, scholars, and students to access these rare materials without the
need to physically visit a library or archive. Digital versions of these works also help to significantly
reduce the costs associated with their preservation, as they require less space to store and can be easily
shared with multiple users. Furthermore, this initiative ensures that these rare materials are not lost due
to deterioration over time.
Digitized Books
Research Studies
Sindh Documentaries
Awareness Programs
Capacity-building Services
Digital Library
Sindh Digital Library is an online repository of e-books, journals, articles, research papers, and other materials related to the Sindh region.
Modren Research Studies
The mission is to bring together academics and activists from around the world to create a better understanding of Sindh and the Sindhi people
The map page provides access to satellite imagery, population data, and other statistics. The page also has links to local government websites and other sources of information about Sindh.

Mr. Zarif Iqbal Khero
Chieft Engineer Irrigation Development Region-II
The digitization of rare books and establishment of digital library in M. H. Panhwar Institute of Sindh Studies is a great step forward in preserving our rich cultural heritage.

Mr. Mansoor Memon
Chieft Engineer Irrigation Development Region-I
The digitization of rare books in M. H. Panhwar Institute of Sindh Studies is an invaluable contribution to the preservation and protection of our cultural heritage.

Mr. Jamaluddin Mangan
Special Secretary Irrigation Department Sindh
M. H. Panhwar Institute of Sindh Studies is an excellent resource for learning about the history and culture of Sindh.

Prof. Dr Bhai Khan Shar
Vice Chancellor SABSU
I am looking forward with the way team will carry out Digitization of Sindh Historical Data.
Recent Activities
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- Inauguration Ceremony
- Ex-Sectry of Culture & Tourisim Visit
- Signing Ceremony
Our Hardworking Team

Hasnain Panhwar

Munawar Khoso

Junaid Javed
Legacy of M. H. Panhwar
M. H. Panhwar
M. H. Panhwar (Muhammad Hussain Panhwar) was born on 25th December 1925 in village Ibrahim Panhwar district Dadu. He completed his BS (Mech. & Elec.) 1949 from NED Engineering College and MS (Ag. Eng.) from University of Wisconsin USA in 1953. Professionally he specialized in ground water development, earth moving, agricultural machinery, water logging, salinity control drainage and agriculture. He worked with government of Sindh and West Pakistan as Agriculture Engineer in Sindh 4 years and Superintending Engineer for Sindh and Baluchistan for 12 years up to the end of 1969. From 1970 onwards till 2007 he was running a consulting company specializing in irrigation, water logging, drainage, agriculture, scientific equipment and horticulture. He had written 10 books on ground water in Sindh and many articles on Thar and Kohistan deserts of and engineering.

Research Farm
In 1964 he established a horticulture farm, specialized in fruit crops. This was converted into a research farm for introducing new fruit crops suiting climate of Sindh in 1985 and has developed many new varieties of fruit crops, which include 17 of mango 6 of lychee and many others. He was author of 36 books on culture and post-harvest of fruit crops. Many of them are not printed yet.

Mr M. H. Panhwar is considered as one man Sindhologist his hobby was studies of Sindh and he had published more than 500 pages on various aspects of Sindh. Ten more books on Sindh are ready for press. His personal library has some 50,000 non fictional books almost equally divided on Sindh, horticulture, engineering and environments etc, this library is now open for researchers at M. H. Panhwar Institute of Sindh Studies Jamshoro. He widely traveled but lived at 157-C, Unit No.2, Latifabad, Hyderabad (Sindh), Pakistan, from where he ran his consultancy and research work he also maintained an office at Karachi, Pakistan. He had four sons, Rafi Hussain (who passed away in 2004), Tariq Hussain, Sani Hussain and Muhammad Ali all settled in USA. His first wife died in 1999 and his second wife Farzana a bio-chemist also passed away in 2020.

M. H. Panhwar Trust
In June 2003 Mr. M. H. Panhwar established a trust to undertake social work in Sindh. The trust is now managed by his sons and it has opened a Agriculture Research Center at his farm near Tando Jam and established M. H. Panhwar Institute of Sindh Studies on Indus Highway Jamshoro near Pakistan Studies center.

- Medal from Sindh University, for securing first number in first class in B.E. (Mech. And Elec.), 1949.
- Awarded SITARA– E–IMTIAZ by the PRESIDENT OF PAKISTAN, in 1992 for outstanding work in ENGINEERING and AGRICULTURE.
- Life Time Achievement Award for serving Motherland in History and Archaeology, 1999 by Tarqi Pasand Party.
- Life time Achievement Award for Services in Science of Engineering and Agriculture, August 2002 by Revivers.
- Life Time Achievement Award for serving Motherland in History and Archaeology, 1999 by Tarqi Pasand Party.
- Award as top horticulturist of Pakistan by Khabreen Newspaper’s Kisantimes TV and Chawla Group May 2004.
- Medal by Sindh Graduates Association for Life Time Research on Sindh, August 2004.
- Award by Sindh Agriculture University for Life Time Service to Agriculture Science, November 2004.

Mausoleum of Mr. M. H. Panhwar
According to the last wishes of Mr. Muhammad Hussain Panhwar (M. H. Panhwar) his body was buried at the M. H. Panhwar Trust Farm near Khesano Mori Taluka and District Hyderabad.
The Trust plans to hold the annual events and other activities including free medical camps, research seminars etc., at this location. For this purpose a ground (approximately 1 acre) has been dedicated with the boundary wall, stage, Wazu Khana, wash rooms and guard room at the resting place of M. H. Panhwar.
Mr. M. H. Panhwar passed away on 21st April 2007 in Latifabad Hyderabad.

Books By M. H. Panhwar
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